Visit a Dentist in Leawood, KS for a Restoration After an Accident

Jun 23, 2015 | Uncategorized

As a dentist in Leawood, KS, we can treat your teeth and restore them to good health after you have been in an accident.  We typically see our patients for preventative care, annual teeth cleaning appointments, teeth whitening treatments and things of that nature.  While speaking with patients, it is clear that most people never think about whether or not they will be in an accident that could damage their teeth.  While perfectly understandable, it is important to consider that possibility and to have a plan in place for if you are.  To realize how likely it is that you or someone in your family will damage a tooth, consider this –

Every year around 5 million children are injured while playing sports.  Many of these injuries impact the mouth. You can help to prevent a tooth from being chipped or one from being knocked out by having your child wear a mouthguard while practicing or playing.

On an annual basis, there are around 5.4 million car wrecks in the United States, some of which will lead to mouth injuries.  As a dentist in Leawood, KS, we can treat teeth that are cracked or chipped as a result.

As you age, the likelihood of you being in an accident only increases.  One in three people over the age of 65 will be in a slip and fall accident on an annual basis. Even younger people suffer from this with over 9 million people visiting the emergency room every year as a result.

Given the statistics, it is only a matter of time before most people are in some sort of accident.  If this happens to you or one of your children, consider your injuries and then give us a call.  If you injure your physical body – head to the emergency room or your local doctor.  If you damage a tooth, visit our office.  The physicians at the hospital emergency room are not equipped to handle your dental emergency.  They are not trained to do so nor do they have the dental equipment.  Yes, they can give you pain medication but you will still need an actual dental appointment.  You can skip the hassle and benefit from having your tooth restored if you visit our office first.

As a dentist in Leawood, KS, we have several ways to restore your tooth. We can use a bonding procedure if your tooth was slightly cracked or chipped.  In this procedure, we shape a tooth-colored material into the perfect position and then harden it in place.  We can also use a dental veneer which is a thin shell that is placed on the surface of the tooth and bonded in place. This solution is one of our most popular cosmetic dentistry tools.  If the tooth is more severely damaged or cracked, we can place a dental crown around it. A crown is a cap that surrounds the tooth entirely so that nothing can touch it directly.  All of these solutions are tooth-colored and natural looking and will do an excellent job of restoring your damaged tooth or teeth.

Call our Leawood, KS, dental office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.
