What are All-on-4 Dental Implants – Advantages & How They Work?

Jan 16, 2023 | Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are the latest and greatest in tooth replacement technology. It is a minimally invasive procedure that provides patients with permanent, natural-looking teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, All-on-4 implants are anchored directly into the jawbone – providing an incredibly strong restoration that won’t slip or move around in your mouth.

What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

The All-on-4 dental implant system consists of four titanium posts (or “implants”) placed strategically in the jawbone to provide the maximum amount of strength and stability for a full arch bridge of prosthetic teeth. This means you can enjoy all the benefits of having a full set of natural-looking teeth without the need for extensive surgery.

Advantages of All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 implants have a number of advantages compared to traditional dental replacement options such as dentures or bridges. The four titanium posts provide an incredibly strong foundation for your prosthetic teeth, meaning you can enjoy all the benefits of having a full arch restoration without worrying about slippage or movement.

In addition, All-on-4 implants don’t require bone grafting – so you can get your new smile faster! This means less time spent in the dentist’s office and more time enjoying life with a beautiful new set of teeth.

How All-on-4 Dental Implants Work

The All-on-4 implant procedure starts with an initial consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. If so, your dentist will take x-rays to plan out the exact placement of your implants and create a custom treatment plan designed just for you.

Once the planning is complete, your dentist will surgically place four titanium posts into your jawbone – two in the lower arch and two in the upper arch. These posts act as anchors for full arches of prosthetic teeth that are attached directly to them. This allows for a secure restoration that looks, feels, and acts like natural teeth!


All-on-4 dental implants provide an innovative solution for people who need full arch tooth replacement. This procedure is minimally invasive, doesn’t require bone grafting, and offers a lifetime of natural-looking teeth. If you are looking for an effective and long-lasting tooth replacement option, All-on-4 implants may be the right choice for you.


Q: Is the All-on-4 implant procedure covered by insurance?

A: Most dental insurance plans do not cover All-on-4 implants, however, it is important to check with your provider as coverage can vary widely between different plans.

Q: How long do All-on-4 implants last?

A: With proper care and regular maintenance, All-on-4 implants can last a lifetime.

Q: What are the side effects of All-on-4 implants?

A: Most patients experience minimal to no side effects from All-on-4 implants. The most common side effect is initial swelling and bruising, which should subside within a few days after the procedure.
