Reasons Dental Implants Are Effective and Popular

Nov 8, 2018 | Dental Implants

If you have lost your tooth, getting dental implants is the closest way to restore the feel, function and appearance of the original tooth. Dental implants are the rave of the moment, with many patients choosing them for a beautiful smile. And the truth? The rave is justified – dental implants may actually give better value over time than other traditional tooth replacement options.

Here are reasons for dental implants’ popularity and effectiveness

Natural appearance and easy fit

The natural, healthy tooth has a root to keep it firmly attached to the jaw. Similarly, dental implants fuse solidly with the jawbone to ensure that the tooth replacement functions and feels like the natural tooth. Dental implants are made from titanium, a unique metal that can merge with living bone.

After the placement procedure, the bone surrounding the implant will fuse to it within a few months. After the merge is complete, the crown placed on the tooth will feel natural and look just like the regular teeth. Also, implants allow patients to engage in social activities, speak and eat without worrying, because they do not shift or slip like removable dentures.

Durable and sturdy

With adequate maintenance and dental care, implants can survive a lifetime of use. Since they infuse to the jawbone, they are a long-lasting solution to missing tooth. Unlike other replacements, such as dental bridges and removable dentures that need to be repaired or restored over time, dental implants offer a lasting value for the money

A high rate of success

Precisely done and adequately maintained dental implants typically have higher “survival rates,” matching or exceeding other tooth replacement alternatives. With improvements in implant technology and techniques, the success rate improves too. When performed on healthy people, the success rate is even higher.

Better eating and chewing functions

Dental implants fuse into the jawbone like a healthy tooth. With time, they help maintain the jawbone and considerably limit bone resorption. Substituting lost teeth with implants makes chewing and speaking better and much clearer.

Better facial and bone features

Dental implants keep the natural tooth tissue by eliminating the need to prepare (through cutting) adjacent tooth for bridgework. The bone also stays intact and remarkably lessens bone resorption and degradation that causes jawbone loss. Dental implants also build jawbone structure because they decrease the pressure on existing teeth and keep the natural tooth tissue intact.

Ease of maintenance

Caring for dental implants is similar to caring for your healthy teeth. Brushing and flossing daily is important, but you never have to use special creams and glues or immerse them in liquid, as it is with dentures. They also do not require fillings or root canals, as may be necessary for healthy teeth with bridgework.

In conclusion

Although dental implants cannot decay, they can be affected by gum disease. Excellent oral hygiene and periodic visits to the dental office for expert cleaning and examination is the most effective way to avert gum disease. It will also make sure the dental implants survive a lifetime, as they usually should.
