How Long Does Cosmetic Bonding Last?

Feb 26, 2023 | Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic bonding is a great way to improve the appearance of teeth that are stained, chipped, or misaligned. It’s a popular and minimally invasive dental procedure that involves enamel-colored composite resin being applied to one or more teeth to make them look better. But you may be wondering – how long does it last? Keep reading for answers!

The Lifespan of Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic bonding can have varying lifespans depending on several factors such as diet & lifestyle choices, oral hygiene practices and the type of material used for the bonding. On average, it is expected to last anywhere from 3-10 years with proper care.

Impact of Diet & Lifestyle

The foods and drinks you consume can be a major factor in how long your cosmetic bonding lasts. If you indulge in dark-colored beverages like coffee or red wine, highly acidic foods, and sugary snacks, they can all contribute to the discoloration of the resin that was used to make your teeth look better. Additionally, smoking cigarettes or using any type of tobacco product will definitely have a negative impact on the lifespan of your cosmetic bonding as nicotine stains quickly accumulate on the surface.

Influence of Oral Hygiene

Daily brushing and flossing is essential for keeping your teeth healthy in general, as well as maintaining the longevity of your cosmetic bonding. Regular dental cleanings every 6 months are highly recommended to keep both natural and bonded teeth looking their best.

Different Types of Materials

The type of material used can also play a role in how long your cosmetic bonding lasts. Composite resin or porcelain veneers are the two most common materials used for cosmetic bonding, but they vary significantly in terms of strength and durability. Porcelain veneers tend to last much longer than composite resin which typically only lasts 2-3 years without proper care and maintenance.

Professional Care

It is also important to have regular check-ups with your dentist in order to ensure that your cosmetic bonding is functioning properly. Your dentist can identify any potential issues and take steps to correct them before they become a problem. Plus, dentists are skilled at applying the resin or veneers in a way that increases their lifespan.

Maintenance Tips

On an everyday basis, there are several things you can do to keep your cosmetic bonding looking its best. For starters, make sure you brush twice daily and floss once per day while avoiding foods and drinks that may cause staining or discoloration of the bonding material. You should also wear a mouthguard when engaging in contact sports activities and avoid grinding your teeth at night.


Cosmetic bonding is an excellent way to improve the appearance of misaligned, stained or chipped teeth. However, like any other dental procedure, it requires proper care and maintenance in order to ensure it lasts as long as possible. With good oral hygiene habits and regular professional check-ups, you can make sure that your cosmetic bonding looks great for years to come!


1. How often should I have my cosmetic bonding checked by a dentist?

Answer: It is recommended that you have your cosmetic bonding checked every 6 months or whenever you visit the dentist for a routine cleaning.

2. Are there any lifestyle habits I should avoid if I have had cosmetic bonding?

Answer: It is best to avoid drinking dark drinks such as coffee or red wine and smoking cigarettes or using any type of tobacco product. These habits can cause discoloration and staining of the bonding material over time.

3. How long does cosmetic bonding typically last?

Answer: On average, cosmetic bonding is expected to last anywhere from 3-10 years with proper care. However, this can vary depending on factors such as diet & lifestyle choices, oral hygiene practices and the type of material used for the bonding.
