What Should I Do If I Have Cracks In My Teeth?

Jan 7, 2023 | General Dentistry

Cracked teeth are a common dental issue that can lead to pain and discomfort if not attended to in time. Some people may be unaware of their cracked teeth, while others experience sharp pains when drinking or eating something cold. In either case, it’s important to address cracked teeth as soon as possible so you can avoid further complications or damage. Read on to find out what causes cracked teeth and how you can treat them effectively.

What Causes Cracked Teeth?

Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding your teeth is one of the most common causes of cracked teeth. People may grind their teeth due to stress, missing or crooked teeth, or misaligned jaws. When you grind your teeth, it causes them to wear down over time and makes them more susceptible to cracking.

Chewing Hard Foods and Objects

Chewing hard foods like candy, ice cubes, and nuts can cause cracked teeth due to the pressure they put on your teeth. Additionally, biting on objects such as pens or pencils can also lead to cracked teeth. It’s important to avoid chewing hard foods as much as possible in order to protect your teeth from cracks and other damage.

Cavities and Tooth Decay

Cavities and tooth decay can also put your teeth at risk of cracking. When you have a cavity, the weakened enamel makes your teeth more prone to cracking when exposed to pressure or force.

 How Can You Treat Cracked Teeth?

 Visit the Dentist

The first step towards treating cracked teeth is to visit your dentist for an examination and diagnosis. Your dentist will be able to assess the extent of damage and recommend appropriate treatment options such as fillings, crowns, bridges, or root canals.

Pain Medication

Your dentist may prescribe pain medication in order to alleviate any pain or discomfort associated with cracked teeth. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen may also be helpful in relieving pain.

 Avoid Chewing Hard Foods

It is important to avoid chewing on hard foods such as nuts or ice cubes, as this can aggravate cracked teeth and lead to further damage. Additionally, it’s best to stick to soft foods until your cracked tooth has healed completely.


Cracked teeth can cause a lot of discomfort and should be treated as soon as possible. By visiting your dentist for an examination and diagnosis, taking pain medication if necessary, and avoiding hard foods, you can help ensure your cracked teeth heal correctly and quickly.


Q1) How do I know if I have cracked teeth?

A1) Cracked teeth can be painful and you may experience sharp pains when drinking or eating something cold. Additionally, cracked teeth can also cause sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. It is best to visit your dentist for an examination in order to diagnose cracked teeth accurately.

Q2) How long does it take for cracked teeth to heal?

A2) It depends on the extent of damage and what treatment options your dentist recommends. Generally, cracked teeth take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to heal completely.

Q3) What happens if cracked teeth are left untreated?

A3) If cracked teeth are not treated promptly, they can become further damaged and lead to more serious problems such as infection or abscesses. It is important to consult your dentist in order to determine the right course of treatment for cracked teeth.
